Happy 2023!

For the first time since I can remember I didn't care about the champagne, the presentation of the food on the table or whether I have the right glassware. In fact I didn't even pop a bottle of champagne. I had a glass of cava, the bottle of which was gifted to us while we were filming a "Christmas" - themed video with a Murciélago at 11pm and it was freezing. And this is the reason why I didn't need the commercial side of the celebration. I have everything and this is what happiness looks like. You don't feel the need to perform in order to be. This was also my first Christmas in Bulgaria since 2014. As someone who’s not into big celebrations and gatherings, I enjoyed the calmness and overall chill vibe of Sofia during this time of the year compared to overcrowded London and Barcelona. It was relaxing not having to find your way through tourists.
I welcomed 2022 in Mexico City, which feels like yesterday to be honest. 2022 was the year of truth. It saw “conspiracy theories” become a reality. It started with Novak Djokovic getting disqualified from Australia Open because he didn't take a jab. Imagine disqualifying a top level professional athlete due to something so ridiculous? We kinda collectively hit the rock bottom at that very moment. Or maybe it was during the 4th booster, feel free to call it yourself. In 2022, CDC published that masks didn't prevent transmission and the vaccine does cause myocarditis and a plethora of other life-threatening diseases and on top of that it didn't stop transmission. Like they say - the truth will always find its way. 2022 ended with Elon Musk buying Twitter to set free speech free, followed by Twitter Files. Make sure you read those. They range from how social media manipulated the vote in 2020 by favouring the Dems, to how suppressed was the voice of medical experts who spoke against the government's orders during Covid, including the creator of the mRNA vaccine. It’s eye-opening, if your eyes haven't opened already. It’s time, it’s 2023 already.
Let's throw the Balenciaga scandal in the mix + one of the biggest financial crimes in the US history - the collapse of FTX caused by SBF, who stole $8 billion of customers funds through Alameda Research. I never liked the guy, only bad vibes since day 1.
The things I’m looking forward to in 2023 are going to spoil the future content. I’ll be focusing on my performance driving. I want to feel comfortable above 200+ km/h, I need to. Therefore I’ll sign up for 2 big driving academies - Lotus and Porsche. 2023 is for mastering high speed in different high-performance cars. I’m not going to share why I need this, everything will make sense eventually.
We’re leaving for UAE in 2 weeks, where we will be renting out some cool cars. I bought a new camera for this trip, I also promise to use the GoPro more often. We’ll drive through the Empty Quarter with a very popular sports car amongst the car community (going to keep it a secret). Looking forward to being stranded in the desert during a sand storm and exploring the Arab culture, which starts at the edge of Dubai.
And yes, I'm a brunette now. It might be confusing for those of you who know me only as theSLRgirl, but you'll get used to it.
Happy 2023, I wish you all the happiness and thank you for reading my content! It means everything to me.